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Engero Za Baganda

Noonya Olugero

Showing 501-516 of 516 items.


Ky'olaba omu, kikussa matenda

L  Something you saw when alone,: you will constantly talk about it

M When you witness a spectacular event by yourself, you will keep on talking about it because there is nobody to present a different judgement or even a point of view

Yongera Okumanya


Ky'olabako ky'obuuza, nti endiga yazaala bumeka?

L  Do not ask what is obvious, like asking the number of lambs a sheep produced when they are right before your eyes


Yongera Okumanya


Ky'onkoze, enkoko ekikola bwaana bwaayo, ky'ejje ebuzaale ng'ebufuula ntebe yaayo

L  You have treated me the way a hen treats her chicks: as soon as they are hatched, she will sit on them as if they were a stool

M Treating someone with utmost contempt

Yongera Okumanya


Ky'osimba onanya, ky'olyako ettooke

L  Something which you plant reluctantly, yields a bunch of matooke - which you ultimately eat

M When you do not have much confidence in pursuing a certain endeavour,but instead proceed, you could receive much greater results than you ever imagined

Yongera Okumanya


Ky'otabulirako munno,enseko zikiyitako

L  Something which you fail to tell a friend: laughter passes it by

M You should share interesting news with a friend, so that you can both enjoy the fun

Yongera Okumanya


Ky'otonnalya tokyesunga, ettoke balitutte kiro

L  You should not salivate for what you have not eaten; a bunch of matooke was stolen during the night

M You should not have too much optimism for an outcome that is not under your direct control

Yongera Okumanya


Ky'owola otudde, okibanja oyimiridde

L  What you lend while seated down, you demand repayment while standing up

M Demanding repayment is a big issue: sometimes you have to be very formal - to the extent of standing up - in other cases the matter has to be settled in the courts of Law

Yongera Okumanya


Ky'oyagala,tekikwagala,gy'okuba olubuto,entumbwe ekubayo mabega

L  What you like does not like you; where the tummy faces is where the calf puts its back

M Where the belly points is considered to be the back of the leg, because the calf muscle points backwards. It is therefore not possible for all people to have similar dislikes and likes; individual preferences are bound to occur

Yongera Okumanya


Kyolimba ebuko, kyekibutta

L  A lie told to an in-law,kills the in-law relationship

M One must be very careful when one interacts with in-laws; he cannot, undertake any circumstances, lie to them. Doing so can cause permanent strain to the relationship

Yongera Okumanya


Kyotolye kukutta,olekere abaana ne balya

L  Something which will not satisfy your hunger,should be left for the young children to eat


Yongera Okumanya


Kyotolye,tokigobaako mbwa

L  Something that you do not intend to eat: you should not chase a dog from it

M If something does not interest you,rather than wasting it you should give it to someone who can make good use of it

Yongera Okumanya


Kyuma, kitya muweesi

L  A piece of iron fears a blacksmith

M A blacksmith is skilled enough to manipulate the iron. This is similarly applicable to professionals in other fields

Yongera Okumanya


Leka ab'ebweru balye, takkusa babe

L  'let the outsiders eat' - one who says so - does not satisfy the people in his household

M A person who is interested in projecting a good image to outsiders,will focus his attention on pleasing them at the expense of his family member

Yongera Okumanya


Linda bawere,yawanguza Buvuma

L  'Wait until they are man' - Led to the conquest of the Buvuma Islands

M (I) When somebody attacks you, you should defend yourself immediately, for if you wait too long to respond your assailant might easily overpower you. (II) When you have finished preparing for a specific action, you must proceed without further delay

Yongera Okumanya


Lindalinda,akuguza ebibbe

L  'Wait a little' - one who says so - sells you stolen good

M A person selling stolen or illegal merchandise is cautious and refuses to display his goods until he is certain of his security, which will result in unnecessary delays

Yongera Okumanya


Linda kiggweeyo(ekisolo), afumita mukira

L  'Wait until the whole animal emerges' - one who says so, spears the tail

M One should never incur unnecessary delays, as there can result in substantial losses

Yongera Okumanya

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