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Engero Za Baganda

Noonya Olugero

Showing 441-460 of 516 items.


Kasobeza, ng'omubbi ow'omu nju

L  It is puzzling, like a thief that steals from the household to which he belongs

M A thief with in the household creates a puzzling situation: First, it takes a long time to suspect him; once he has been discovered, the problem of how to deal with him arises, which further complicates the situation

Yongera Okumanya


Kasonsomolera, ng'eriggwa ly'ettovu

L  An excruciating and stinging pain, like what is felt when pricked by the thorn of an ettovu plant(a wild plant found in forests)


Yongera Okumanya


Kasusse omumiro,tikabalibwa

L  A thing that passes the gullet, can no longer be counted

M Once something has been swallowed,it should be forgotten, as it will not be seen again

Yongera Okumanya


Kaswa kampi,kabuuka enswa empaanvu

L  A short anthill, produces long ants

M (I) A short parent will not produce short children. (II) A person of humble means may give birth to a very enterprising child

Yongera Okumanya


Kateegaya, ayingirira basajja banne

L  A self-confident man, will befriend the wife of his fellowman


Yongera Okumanya


Kateyanira, kafa mutego

L  An animal which does not attempt to release itself from a trap is killed by the trap

M A person who experiences difficulties must struggle to free himself of these burdens,otherwise he may remain entangled forever

Yongera Okumanya


Katonda agoba nsonga, nga tasse wuwo

L  'God has a reason for the things which happen' - if He has not taken a person close to you

M God does not make mistakes, but if a loved one undergoes intense suffering, you will question His Justification for letting that person suffer

Yongera Okumanya


Katonda agoba nsonga, nga tasse wuwo

L  'God has a reason for the things which happen' - if He has not taken a person close to you

M God does not make mistakes, but if a loved one undergoes intense suffering, you will question His Justification for letting that person suffer

Yongera Okumanya


Kayisanyo, amalusu n'eddokooli

L  It is like a busy street, things are passing each other going in different directions; saliva goes downloads while the Adam's apple moves upwards

M There are uncoordinated movements of people and objects, which are the result of the same underlying activities. In other words, there is chaos

Yongera Okumanya


Kezimbira, tikaba kato

L  He that builds a house for himself, is not a young person

M If one has the imagination, determination, and perseverance to build a house, it means that he is already mature and can take care of himself

Yongera Okumanya


Kibi, kigwana wala

L  A bad incident, is better to happen far away

M it is preferable for a bad things to happen far away, so that it causes a minimal disturbance to one's daily life

Yongera Okumanya


Kibula abuuza, ng'omukazi omunyage

L  Nobody asks about it, like a woman who is captured during battle

M Since the woman has no relatives in the village, nobody asks about her, even when something terrible happens to her

Yongera Okumanya


Kigumaaza, ng'ow'ettulu atemya

L  It is deceptive, like a one eyed person with an eye that twinkles

M Although this person sees with one eye, he twinkles both eyes at the same time, which creates the impression that he can see with both eyes

Yongera Okumanya


Kigwo kya lwazi, bwe kitakumenya mugongo kikukuba olubale

L  A fall on a rock: if it does not break your back, it leaves a cut on your scalp

M Any difficult task causes fatigue and leaves visible marks on one who is undertaking it. In order to minimize these effects, one must be well prepared for the task and adequately equipped ahead of time

Yongera Okumanya


Kiiso kya mbuzi, kirekerere omussi nekitunilira omubaazi

L  The bad look a goat: rather than staring at the person who killed it, it stares at the person who skins its hide

M One should establish and solve the root cause of a problem, instead of pursuing circumstantial causes. For example, a losing football team may blame its poor performance on the uneven terrain of the football pitch thus the pitch becomes the scapegoat like the man who skins the goat

Yongera Okumanya


Kikonyogo, bakikasuka kulaalira, kidda na kirimba

L  A piece of stick is thrown up a tree to remain there, instead it comes down with a bunch of fruits

M The person has received an unexpected windfall from something that was pursued for an entirely different reason

Yongera Okumanya


Kikulejje, ekigenda emugga n'emmindi

L  It is very strange, like a person who goes to a well while smoking a pipe


Yongera Okumanya


Kimmanje, bwe kita ensuwa nga lugyo

L  This is glue used to mend broken pots: once it comes off, the water pot breaks into small pieces

M This is somebody who is indispensable, one who must be kept in a particular position to maximize his usefulness. The same applies to something which has a supportive role to other things

Yongera Okumanya


Kino kiggweeso, nga negw'oyagala mw'agendedde

L  'Everything is taken' - when your beloved one is also taken


Yongera Okumanya


Kiriba edda, mmese yamumutala

L  Let us hope for a bright future, like a rat in a new cultivation area

M When people experience a lot of hardship, they keep hoping for something good to happen in the future

Yongera Okumanya

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