L A visiting rat, doe not dig its own tunnel
M A visiting rat will find a tunnel already dug by the host rats. In a similar way , a visitor takes whatever type of hospitality is afforded him
L A coffee berry which you trust, is the one which does not contain any beans
M This is an expression of disappointment, after an individual in whom you had much confidence lets you down. For example, you may entrust somebody with your goods, only to discover that he stole them from you
L Two cocks cannot be cooked in the same luwombo ( a banana leaf pouch)
M (I) Two powerful individuals cannot live under the same roof, or work in the same environment, as neither one will accept to be subordinate of the other. (ii) Two cocks cannot be reared in the same compound because they will constantly be fighting each other for the hens
L Mutual rivalry does not have a village
M A Place where everybody is preoccupied with rivaling one another, cannot have prosperity
L The stubbornness of a snake, is disbanded with a stick
M The only way of dealing with a venomous snake is to hit it with a stick and kill it. This can also apply to a person who treats other harshly
L The womb is like a cassava plant, it produces good and bad children
L The bells should be many, for them to produce loud noise
M Some results can better achieved through collective action
L 'Sickness worsens during the night' (one who says so) - covers the hot charcoal - burning in the fireplace - with ash
M We must prepare for an inevitable occurrence when our resources are still adequate
L A Chronic, incurable illness, becomes the name of the afflicted person (replaces the name of the afflicted person)
M A person who suffers a chronic illness ,is named after that illness
L The sickness of a love relationship is mistakes - for instance, someone who has more than one relationship at ago
M Indiscriminate love relationships can result in disease and cause other negative consequences
L 'The disease which has afflicted the child is not infectious' (one says so) - when the mother is his favorite wife
M A father who carries a child suffering from a contagious disease, will not mind the risks involved, as long as the mother is his favorite wife
L A disease which goes unreported, cannot get cured
M A person who informs other about an ailment is likely to receive advice on how to treat it. Moreover, those who know a remedy with traditional medicine could offer to treat him with it. Neither of the alternatives can be pursued if one's illness is kept secret
L Two fingers - meaning two sets of hands - give poison
M When an edible item passes through two hands, the chances of poisoning it are increased; it even becomes harder to identify the culprit
L Eating up everything in one swoop, turned Mulajje into a hush
M An unexpected windfall should be saved for a rainy day
L An Elephant cannot fail to carry its tusks
M No person can fail to move a body part; this is true even for a person that is considered overweight. A mother cannot fail to carry her child (on the back), even when the child is quite heavy. Neither can she fail to feed her children, irrespective of her financial situation
L A talkative person, can even mention the weakness of the head of a household
L A monkey does not settle disputes which involve the forest
M An interested person cannot be entrusted to settle a dispute, as he will most likely going to give a biased judgement
L Thanks to the rain, we have been able to determine the durability of the roofs of the various huts
M One exhibits one's true character during trying times, or hardship
L Suffering is like sunshine: it does not burn only one individual
M Misery, misfortune, sickness and so on, can affect anybody, just like sunshine, which does not discriminate
L The suffering of men: it is a never-ending story