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Agasaaka gegatuula, ng'akuddako mulungi

Literal Meaning

Implied Meaning


A hunter by the name of Kitezi Wamala Buyungu Kaboggoza - of the Nngonge Clan - invented the process of making Barkcloth, circa AD 1280 (during the Reign of Kabaka Kimeraa's reign). For Almost five centuries, only members of the Buganda Royal Family, some prominent chiefs and the women in the Kabaka's Court were permitted to wear bark cloth (It was not until the reign of Kabaka Semakookira Wassajja[AD 1797-1814] that common people were permitted to wear it.) Kabaka Ssemakookiro introduced the tradition of barcloth to Ankole, Bunyoro,Toro, and Parts of Northern Tanzania. When the chosen heir to Kabaka is about to accede the Nnamulondo (the throne of the Kabaka), Mugema, the Nkiima Clan head, adorns him with a special type of barkcloth called 'Luyiira' to commemorate the Festivities.

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